Saudi Arabia to inaugurate 1st women committee in mining

Sep 23, 2024

Riyadh – Sharikat Mubasher: The Saudi Kingdom announced plans to establish the first committee in mining that consists of females aiming to create a suitable environment for women to participate and contribute to the growth and development of such a rich sector.

Rana Zamai, Head of the Committee of Women in Mining Saudi Arabia at the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources, said that the committee is currently laying the foundation for it and running the process of associating this entity under the umbrella of the Saudi Ministry, according to Asharq Al-Awsat.

Zamai added that this committee will act as a separate and individual non-profit entity that bolsters the female community in mining aiming to empower Saudi women and encourage their participation in this particular sector.

Zamai further explains that this entity is keen on empowering women to mining sites whether they’re located near or far from these sites aiming to ensure their engagement in mining projects taking place in the private sector. Such a partnership shall offer sustainable opportunities to increase the income of this category of population. 


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