The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The newest “Paradise Found” for Lady Bosses

Jul 21, 2024

Ghada Ismail 


Saudi Arabia, the once closed conservative society, has witnessed a dramatic shift that changed the landscape of female entrepreneurship in the Kingdom forever. This change aligns with a broader vision, Vision 2030, a socioeconomic set of reforms introduced in January 2016 by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which has been the key driver of this drastic transformation in the first place.


Vision 2030 came with a focus on empowering Saudi women, encouraging their contribution to the economy and participation in social development and female entrepreneurship has been increasingly recognized in the kingdom since then.


With Saudi women now significantly taking part in society and the workforce, businesses are presented with rising opportunities targeting Saudi women in their hiring process as they are becoming an integral part of the country’s economic development, as well as its consumer market.


Vision 2030 introduced Saudi women to new levels of leadership and economic empowerment. In Saudi Arabia, female entrepreneurs took the lead and now seized a significant tranche of the entrepreneurial scene, establishing and managing more small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The number of female entrepreneurs has surged by more than 35% over the last decade, capped at almost two-fifths of entrepreneurs in the country in 2017.


Saudi Government empowering its daughters


In this regard, the Saudi Government saved no effort to take every possible measurement to encourage and prepare female leaders to break the barriers and storm the world of businesses. The Kingdom has introduced new legislation to facilitate the establishment of business startups and financing for women-owned businesses with an only aim: Eliminate the once had been boundaries and establish a more supportive environment for women entrepreneurs.


In the same context, Banks and financial institutions have relaxed collateral requirements and introduced creditworthiness evaluation schemes that are more inclusive of women entrepreneurs for further financial support.


Moreover, the Kingdom saw governmental entities and public organizations investing in entrepreneurship and skills development programs for women providing education, training, mentoring, and networking opportunities, equipping female entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in business, in addition to establishing entrepreneurship hubs and launching initiatives to promote entrepreneurship among young women.


On its official website, the Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development included a list of initiatives that obviously reflect the great attention from the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on women’s file to ensure an increase in women’s participation in the labor market.


The list displayed a variety of measurements mainly taken to ease up a woman’s journey to contribute to her local economy. Taking its part in Vision 2030, the Saudi Ministry of Finance issued a report namely “Women Empowerment Initiative within the Saudi Annual Budget” which tackles almost every decree, procedure, and policy taken by each ministry, and official entity within all sectors since the launch of the Vision 2030, in terms of budgeting and financing.


As a result of this huge momentum taking place in the Saudi kingdom, reports and stats dedicated to monitoring the female entrepreneurial scene became pretty much overwhelming! The Saudi General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) published a report namely “Saudi Women’s Report 2022” mainly aimed to display statistics on the female entrepreneurship situation showcasing the leading indicators involving women’s participation in the Saudi Economy.


The report focuses on providing figures relating to Saudi women aged 15 and above in different fields, such as education, health, sports, and technology, as well as other statistics, relying on official sources. The sources extract data from surveys carried out by GASTAT and data from the administrative register available to other official bodies.


The report showed that the unemployment rate among Saudi women declined, especially in the fourth quarter of 2022, to 15.4% compared to 2021, 2020, and 2019.


Coming in parallel with the significant decline in women's unemployment, the expansion of their economic participation, and the surged growth of their employment in various areas, the ratio of employed women to the population rose to 30.4% from the fourth quarter of 2021, where the rate was previously 27.6%. Women's participation in the labor market was capped at 36%, up slightly from 35.6% in the fourth quarter of 2021.


On the other hand, the number of freelance certificates obtained by females in 2021 reached 961,189 compared to 105,518 registered in 2020 and 7,997 registered in 2019, which is the lowest.


The report also showed that the stock market had witnessed a significant soar in female investment rates recently, as the number of Saudi women investors in the stock market in 2021 reached 1,516,995, a higher number than that recorded in the previous two years of 2019 and 2020.


Women empowering women


What the Saudi Kingdom witnessed afterward was really phenomenal! Women broke the glass ceiling and started empowering themselves and each other. With the rapid rise of business incubators and accelerators due to the natural demand and need for them in the market, emerged an accelerator that defines itself as: “Saudi Arabia's First Tech-Inclusion & Female Focused Accelerator, Offering Different Business Services For Your Startup to Blossom!”


Founded by a woman and dedicated to all ‘enterpreneurelles’, Blossom was launched in April 2018 fueled by Emon Shakor’s desire to help young Saudi female founders like herself to rise and shine. The accelerator has since said to mentor more than 300 startup companies from around 38 different cities in five countries, including the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the USA.


Worth mentioning, Shakoor is a Saudi neuroscience researcher, a technology entrepreneur, and startup catalyst who earned herself a degree in cognitive sciences from the University of California, San Diego, and then worked at Parexel, a US clinical research and biopharmaceutical company, where she led hundreds of Pfizer clinical drug trials across North America. Shakoor has also become one of the Global Shapers Community in Jeddah Hub, a delegate of the 30 Under 30 group at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, as well as a TEDx speaker on topics ranging from neuroscience and innovation to youth and women's empowerment, equity and inclusion.



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Latest Experts Thoughts

The Role of Government Initiatives in Accelerating FinTech Growth in Saudi Arabia

Kholoud Hussein 


Saudi Arabia is witnessing a rapid transformation of its financial landscape, largely driven by the government’s commitment to nurturing the FinTech sector. In line with its Vision 2030 agenda, Saudi Arabia has launched several initiatives aimed at accelerating FinTech growth, promoting innovation, and creating a robust, competitive financial ecosystem.


Vision 2030 and the FinTech Strategy


At the heart of this transformation is Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which aims to diversify the economy and reduce dependence on oil revenues. One of its key pillars is the development of the financial sector, where FinTech plays a pivotal role. The government recognizes the potential of FinTech to enhance financial inclusion, improve efficiency, and foster innovation across various sectors.


The Financial Sector Development Program (FSDP), launched under Vision 2030, aims to create an enabling environment for FinTech innovation. This includes modernizing regulations, facilitating partnerships between traditional financial institutions and startups, and supporting the digitalization of financial services. The goal is to increase the share of cashless transactions to 70% by 2030, a move that will be largely powered by FinTech.


Regulatory Sandboxes and SAMA’s Role


One of the most significant government initiatives is the creation of regulatory sandboxes. Launched by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) in 2018, the sandbox allows FinTech startups to test their products and services in a controlled environment, without the full burden of regulatory compliance. This initiative has been crucial in fostering innovation by providing a space for startups to experiment and refine their offerings.


SAMA, in collaboration with the Capital Market Authority (CMA), has also introduced new frameworks to regulate crowdfunding, digital payments, and peer-to-peer lending, ensuring that the regulatory environment keeps pace with technological advancements. These efforts not only provide a clear regulatory path for FinTech firms but also build trust with investors and consumers.


Supporting Financial Inclusion and Entrepreneurship


Another key aspect of Saudi Arabia’s FinTech growth is the government’s focus on financial inclusion. The introduction of digital payment platforms, mobile wallets, and microfinance solutions has brought financial services to underserved populations, particularly in rural areas. Initiatives such as the Saudi FinTech Initiative further support the sector by providing mentorship, funding, and infrastructure to early-stage startups.


In conclusion, through strategic initiatives, Saudi Arabia’s government is laying the groundwork for a thriving FinTech ecosystem. By fostering innovation, enhancing financial inclusion, and creating a forward-thinking regulatory framework, the government is accelerating the growth of FinTech, positioning the country as a leading financial hub in the Middle East.

The Impact of Mobile Payments on Consumer Behavior in Saudi Arabia

Kholoud Hussein 


In recent years, mobile payments have surged in popularity in Saudi Arabia, transforming consumer behavior and reshaping the financial landscape. This shift, fueled by technological advancements and changing consumer preferences, reflects a broader trend toward digitalization in the Kingdom's economy. Here’s a brief look at how mobile payments are influencing consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia.


1. Enhanced Convenience and Speed

One of the most significant impacts of mobile payments is the convenience they offer. Consumers in Saudi Arabia are increasingly embracing mobile payment apps for their ease of use and speed. With just a few taps on their smartphones, users can complete transactions instantly, bypassing the need for cash or physical credit cards. This seamless experience is driving higher adoption rates and changing the way people conduct everyday transactions.


2. Increased Digital Engagement

The rise of mobile payments has also led to increased digital engagement among consumers. As mobile payment apps often come integrated with loyalty programs, discounts, and promotional offers, users are more likely to engage with brands through these platforms. This digital engagement not only enhances the consumer experience but also provides businesses with valuable data to tailor their marketing strategies.


3. Shift Toward Cashless Transactions

Mobile payments are contributing to a gradual shift away from cash transactions. Saudi consumers are increasingly using their smartphones for a range of activities, from purchasing groceries to paying for services. This trend aligns with the Saudi Vision 2030 initiative to reduce reliance on cash and promote a cashless economy. As more merchants accept mobile payments, the trend toward cashless transactions is expected to continue.


4. Boost to E-Commerce

The growth of mobile payments is closely linked to the expansion of e-commerce in Saudi Arabia. With the convenience of mobile payments, consumers are more inclined to shop online, driving growth in the digital retail sector. Mobile payment solutions streamline the checkout process, reducing cart abandonment rates and encouraging more frequent online purchases.


5. Enhanced Financial Inclusion

Mobile payments are playing a crucial role in enhancing financial inclusion in Saudi Arabia. By providing an accessible and user-friendly alternative to traditional banking, mobile payment solutions are reaching underserved populations and individuals without access to conventional financial services. This inclusivity supports broader economic participation and financial


How Fintech is Revolutionizing Wealth Management in Saudi Arabia

Kholoud Hussein


The wealth management sector in Saudi Arabia is undergoing a dramatic transformation, largely driven by advancements in financial technology (fintech). This shift aligns with the country’s Vision 2030 goals, which emphasize economic diversification and technological innovation. Here’s a snapshot of how fintech is reshaping wealth management in the Kingdom.


1. Broader Accessibility

Fintech platforms are democratizing access to wealth management services. Digital investment tools, including robo-advisors, now offer personalized portfolio management to a wider audience at lower costs. This means that individuals who previously lacked access to such services can now benefit from sophisticated investment strategies.


2. Enhanced Personalization

With the help of big data and artificial intelligence (AI), fintech firms in Saudi Arabia are providing highly personalized financial advice. These platforms analyze users’ financial behaviors and risk preferences to deliver tailored investment recommendations, allowing for more informed decision-making.


3. Blockchain Integration

Blockchain technology is enhancing transparency and security in wealth management. Saudi fintech companies are exploring blockchain for asset tracking, transaction processing, and smart contracts. This decentralized technology helps reduce fraud and ensures the integrity of financial transactions.


4. Innovative Investment Products

Fintech is expanding the range of investment products available in Saudi Arabia. New offerings include cryptocurrencies, peer-to-peer lending, and fractional ownership of assets, which provide investors with diverse opportunities to grow their portfolios beyond traditional investments.


5. User-Friendly Platforms

Modern fintech apps are designed with intuitive interfaces that simplify wealth management. Features such as automated portfolio rebalancing and real-time performance tracking make it easier for investors to manage their assets effectively.


6. Supportive Regulation

The Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) and other regulatory bodies are fostering fintech growth through supportive policies and regulatory sandboxes. These initiatives allow fintech startups to test and refine new solutions, ensuring compliance and boosting investor confidence.


Future Outlook

The fintech revolution in Saudi Arabia’s wealth management sector is set to continue and is driven by ongoing technological advancements. However, challenges such as regulatory compliance and cybersecurity will need to be addressed. Overall, fintech is paving the way for a more inclusive and innovative financial landscape in the Kingdom, aligning with Saudi Arabia’s broader economic goals. 

Human vs Machine: Integration of Generative AI in Business

Ghada Ismail

Since the rise of modern technologies & AI-powered robots, there has been a scorching hot unsolved debate on the future of the world with machines replacing humans and whether we can still count on humans only, machines only, or machine-assisted humans and vice versa in our everyday lives.

 Scientists and tech-savvies conducted millions of research papers and studies on the theme of “Humans vs Machines” where they displayed aspects of the competition between human beings and automated machines, particularly in the context of various tasks and activities. The comparison every day becomes more relevant with the rapid evolution in technology and artificial intelligence prevailing in almost every aspect of our lives and businesses in particular.

Almost everybody then came to one conclusion that humans excelled in areas as they have the tendency to be significantly the masters being creative, emotionally intelligent, skilled at complex problem solving, and ethical and moral decision making, while machines outperformed humans in aspects like speed, efficiency, data processing, 24/7 availability and safety in hazardous environments. This led to a logical conclusion that a combination of human capabilities and machine automation shall make the most convenient equation.

This is known as "human-machine collaboration" or "augmented intelligence," where machines and humans coexist and assist each other. Machines provide assistance to humans in tasks that align with their strengths while allowing machines to handle tasks suited to their capabilities with one main aim to create a co-dependent relationship that leverages the strength points of both humans and machines to achieve better outcomes across various domains.


Businesses & Organizations turning to integrate and invest in generative AI tools

In a detailed report issued by Capgemini Research Institute, namely “Generative AI in Organizations 2024”, we found out that most organizations are tending to maximize their use of generative AI, and there has been an increase in investment in the technology over the last year, but before we dive in the report findings, let’s explore what Generative AI is?

Generative AI, or gen AI, is a set of algorithms, that is capable of generating seemingly new, realistic content—such as text, images, or audio—from the training data. The most powerful gen AI algorithms are built on top of foundation models that are trained on a vast quantity of unlabeled data in a self-supervised way to identify underlying patterns for a wide range of tasks.

Thus, gen AI is a type of AI technology that can generate various types of content, including text, imagery, audio, and synthetic data that can be applied extensively across a wide array of business fields and become useful and versatile material serving everybody, each for his own certain purpose. The recent buzz around generative AI has been driven by how easy and smooth, assisted by these tools, can create high-quality text, graphics, and videos in a matter of seconds.

Back to Capgemini’s report, researchers found out about 80% of organizations have pumped more investment in generative AI since 2023, and 20% have kept the same investment level, whereas, 24% of organizations have integrated generative AI into some or most of their locations or functions. This represents a significant surge increase compared to only 6% reported just a year earlier.

The report extracts data from a global survey of 1,100 executives at organizations with more than $1 billion in revenue across 14 countries and 11 industries and sectors.

The data came revealing that generative AI is increasingly integrated into organizations, causing changes in operational patterns. Over the past year, it has been significantly observed that the application of generative AI has surged across all sectors, and most organizations embrace generative AI at their workplaces, with only 3% enforcing a complete ban on publicly available generative AI tools for work purposes.

Those organizations that have already adopted generative AI reported experiencing benefits, including improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer experience, and increased sales. 

Speaking generally, the report states that organizations have witnessed a 6.7% improvement in customer engagement and satisfaction in the areas in which generative AI has been integrated. Consequently, businesses have started to adjust their strategic approaches and explore innovative ways to harness generative AI’s capabilities.

On the other hand, The McKinsey Global Institute issued a report namely “The Economic Potential of Generative AI: The Next Productivity Frontier” that unfolded an analysis of the impact of technological automation on work activities and modeling scenarios of adoption in 2017. Back then, researchers estimated that workers spent half of their time on activities that had the potential to be automated by adapting technology existing at that time. Then they set a range of potential scenarios for the pace at which these technologies could be adopted and affect work activities throughout the global economy.

Researchers found out that technology adoption at scale does not occur overnight. The potential of technological capabilities in a lab does not necessarily mean they can be immediately integrated into a solution that automates a specific work activity, as developing such solutions takes time. Even when such a solution is developed, it might not be economically feasible to use if its costs exceed those of human labor, which proves that humans cannot be fully substituted (maybe partially). Additionally, even if economic incentives for deployment exist, it takes time for adoption to spread across the global economy. Hence, these adoption scenarios, which consider such factors together with the technical automation potential, provide a sense of the pace and scale at which workers’ activities could shift over time.


Final verdict

Across human history, we’ve already seen how new technologies have the potential and capability to reshape societies and change the anatomy of work for good. We can safely count on artificial intelligence to change the way we live and work and accomplish the simplest everyday tasks, starting from helping us generate content, analyzing data, or draft emails, to conducting the most advanced tasks, such as optimizing business processes or making recommendations about the next product to buy. This rapid development of generative AI is highly expected to significantly augment the impact of AI overall, generating trillions of dollars of additional value each year and transforming the nature of work.


However, it seems like technology could also come with a side-effect and come up with new and significant challenges. Tech users must act as much quick as they can, given the pace at which generative AI could be adopted, to prepare to address, and most importantly to be able to handle both the opportunities and the risks that come with the package.



How can startups capitalize on the upcoming 24 Fintech summit?

Mohamed Gamal


Saudi Arabia is gearing up to host the inaugural 24 Fintech Summit from 3 to 5 September at the Riyadh Front Exhibition & Conference Center, offering a golden chance for fintech startups to connect with investors and gain knowledge from industry leaders.

The summit is expected to be one of the key events gathering entrepreneurs, investors, and experts in the fintech landscape to nurture innovation and empower startups to thrive and grow.


How can startups capitalize on 24 Fintech?

  1. Investment and funding opportunities. Being attended by several investors and venture capital (VC) funds, the summit will enable startups to showcase their offerings in front of numerous potential investors. It represents a significant milestone in startups’ journey to secure new funding and forge strategic partnerships that boost their growth.
  2. Networking and collaboration. 24 Fintech brings together entrepreneurs, seasoned experts, and government officials from around the world, offering a dynamic space for startups to broaden their networks. Such networks are fundamental to sharing knowledge, finding new partners, and exploring potential cooperation opportunities.
  3. Learning from experts. The summit will include discussion sessions and workshops led by seasoned fintech experts, enabling startups to discover the latest trends and technologies that can boost their business.
  4. Demo showcases. 24 Fintech Summit will be an ideal platform for startups to spotlight their innovations and offerings to attract potential investors and partners. Additionally, it will help startups reach new clients, increase brand awareness, and tap into new markets.
  5. Expanding in the Saudi market. The summit will be an ideal chance for startups to tap into or expand in the Saudi market, backed by government support and the Kingdom’s focus on enhancing the contribution of the fintech industry to the national economy.

The 24 Fintech event represents a significant milestone in the startups’ journeys toward growth. By exploring funding opportunities, building networks, and leveraging leaders’ expertise, startups can consolidate their positions in the market and contribute to driving innovation in this dynamic sector.


Key topics

The 24 Fintech Summit will uncover several topics related to the fintech industry, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning in financial operations, cybersecurity and big data, embedded finance, and the evolution of open banking.

This diversification will provide startups with brand-new ideas to develop their offerings and services, in line with the latest industry trends.

24 Fintech is not just a stage; it is a comprehensive platform that aims to drive innovation through collaboration and investment and empower startups to scale and thrive. This three-day event will enable startups to forge invaluable connections with industry leaders, explore the latest trends, and secure the funding they need to grow.


Translation: Noha Gad