6 استراتيجيات للتغلب على التحديات التي تواجه رواد الأعمال في مجال التجارة الإلكترونية بالسعودية

Oct 17, 2024

شيماء إبراهيم 


شهدت التجارة الإلكترونية في المملكة العربية السعودية تحولًا جذريًا خلال السنوات القليلة الماضية، حيث أصبحت واحدة من أسرع القطاعات نموًا في الاقتصاد المحلي. يمثل هذا التحول استجابة طبيعية للتغيرات التكنولوجية السريعة وللتوجهات الجديدة في سلوك المستهلكين داخل المملكة. ومع تزايد الاعتماد على التكنولوجيا الرقمية، أصبحت السعودية واحدة من أسرع الأسواق نمواً في هذا المجال. 

وساهمت التحولات الاقتصادية التي شهدتها المملكة، بالإضافة إلى رؤية 2030 الطموحة، في تعزيز بيئة الأعمال الرقمية وجذب الاستثمارات الأجنبية والمحلية. يتميز السوق السعودي بتنوع كبير في المنصات الإلكترونية، مما يفتح آفاقًا جديدة للتجارة وتلبية احتياجات المستهلكين. 

علاوةً على ذلك، يمثل قطاع التجارة الإلكترونية في السعودية بيئة حيوية للشركات الناشئة، حيث يتوقع أن يستمر هذا النمو في السنوات المقبلة، حيث يمكن لهذه الشركات أن تلعب دورًا محوريًا في تعزيز الاقتصاد الرقمي في المملكة. ونستعرض فيما يلي أبرز الاتجاهات والتحديات التي تواجه رواد الأعمال في التجارة الإلكترونية في السعودية، مع تسليط الضوء على دورها في دفع عجلة التنمية الاقتصادية وتحقيق الأهداف الاستراتيجية للمملكة.


حجم السوق ونموه

تحتل المملكة المرتبة الثامنة عالمياً، وتصنف ضمن 10 أفضل اقتصادات نامية في التجارة الإلكترونية. 

أصدرت الهيئة العامة للمنشآت الصغيرة والمتوسطة "منشآت"، مؤخراً تقرير بعنوان "المنشآت الصغيرة والمتوسطة وآفاق التجارة الإلكترونية الواعدة"، لتسليط الضوء على منظومة التجارة الإلكترونية في المملكة. 

وأظهر التقرير أن قيمة تمويل مشاريع التجارة الإلكترونية بالمملكة  بلغت 1.6 مليار ريال في 2023، وبلغ عدد مستخدمي منصات التجارة الإلكترونية المتوقّع بالمملكة في 2025 حوالي 34.5 مليون، بالإضافة إلى وصول نسبة النمو في عدد مستخدمي منصات التجارة الإلكترونية بين عامي 2019- 2024 إلى نسبة 42%.

وفي ذات السياق، قال ماجد القصبي، وزير التجارة، إن قطاع التجارة الإلكترونية في المملكة يشكل 8%، ومن المتوقع وصول الإيرادات إلى 260 مليار ريال بحلول 2025.


القطاعات الرائدة

تشهد بعض القطاعات في التجارة الإلكترونية في السعودية رواجاً كبيراً. حيث يشهد قطاع الملابس والأزياء نموًا ملحوظًا، خاصة مع ارتفاع عدد العلامات التجارية المحلية والدولية. كما أن قطاع الإلكترونيات، بما في ذلك الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة المنزلية، يستقطب شريحة كبيرة من المتسوقين، بينما ازدادت شعبية خدمات توصيل الطعام بشكل كبير في الفترة الأخيرة.


الدعم الحكومي والتوجهات المستقبلية

تساهم رؤية المملكة 2030 بشكل كبير في دعم التجارة الإلكترونية، حيث أطلقت الحكومة مجموعة من المبادرات لتعزيز الابتكار والتحول الرقمي. تعمل الهيئة العامة للاستثمار على تسهيل الإجراءات لجذب الاستثمارات الأجنبية والمحلية في قطاع التجارة الإلكترونية.

وفي سياق آخر، تشير التوجهات المستقبلية إلى أن التجارة الإلكترونية ستستمر في التوسع، خاصة مع زيادة الاعتماد على حلول الدفع الرقمية والتكنولوجيا الحديثة. كما يُتوقع أن تتوسع منصات التجارة الإلكترونية لتلبية احتياجات المتسوقين بشكل أفضل، مع التركيز على تحسين تجربة المستخدم.


التحديات التي تواجه رواد الأعمال في قطاع التجارة الإلكترونية

أكد ماجد القصبي، وزير التجارة، في تصريحات سابقة، أنه على الرغم من التغييرات الإيجابية التي يشهدها السوق السعودي بفضل التجارة الإلكترونية، لا تزال هناك تحديات أمام رواد الأعمال في هذا المجال، والتي تتمثل في الوصول إلى التمويل المناسب إلى جانب تبسيط الإجراءات الحكومية، وهو ما تعمل المملكة جاهدة على تحقيقه لتوفير الدعم اللازم لهم.

وفي ذات السياق، أشار سامي الحسيني، محافظ الهيئة العامة للمنشآت الصغيرة والمتوسطة "منشآت"، إلى أن رواد الأعمال يواجهون تحديات تتعلق بالابتكار والقدرة التنافسية، مما يتطلب منهم التكيف السريع مع التغيرات التكنولوجية والسلوك الاستهلاكي المتغير وذلك عبر الاستثمارات المستمرة في التدريب والتطوير.

ويتضح مما سبق أن رواد الأعمال في مجال التجارة الإلكترونية يواجهون مجموعة من التحديات التي يمكن أن تعيق تقدمهم وتقلل من فرص نجاحهم، ونستعرض فيما يلي أهم 6 تحديات واستراتيجيات التغلب عليها:-

  1. المنافسة الشديدة

تشهد التجارة الإلكترونية منافسة متزايدة، ليس فقط من الشركات المحلية بل أيضاً من العلامات التجارية العالمية. يسعى العديد من رواد الأعمال إلى دخول السوق، مما يرفع من مستوى المنافسة. لتجاوز هذه العقبة، يجب على رواد الأعمال التركيز على التميز من خلال تقديم منتجات وخدمات مبتكرة، وبناء علامة تجارية قوية.

  1. الأمن السيبراني

تعتبر مخاطر الأمن السيبراني من أكبر التحديات في التجارة الإلكترونية. مع زيادة عدد المعاملات عبر الإنترنت، تزداد فرص التعرض للاختراقات والجرائم الإلكترونية، لذلك، يجب على رواد الأعمال الاستثمار في أنظمة الأمان لحماية بيانات العملاء والمعاملات المالية.

  1. اللوجستيات والتوصيل

تعتبر اللوجستيات من العوامل الحاسمة في نجاح التجارة الإلكترونية. قد يواجه رواد الأعمال صعوبات في إدارة سلسلة التوريد وضمان توصيل المنتجات في الوقت المحدد. يتطلب ذلك تطوير شراكات استراتيجية مع شركات النقل وتحسين البنية التحتية اللوجستية.

  1.  تحديات التسويق الرقمي

يحتاج رواد الأعمال إلى استراتيجيات تسويق فعالة للوصول إلى جمهورهم المستهدف. لكن، يمكن أن تكون تكلفة الإعلان الرقمي مرتفعة،  لذلك، يجب على رواد الأعمال تعلم كيفية استخدام أدوات التحليل ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بشكل فعال للوصول إلى عملائهم بكفاءة.

  1.  تغييرات سلوك المستهلك

يتغير سلوك المستهلك بشكل مستمر، مما يتطلب من رواد الأعمال التكيف مع هذه التغييرات. يحتاج رواد الأعمال إلى مراقبة الاتجاهات السائدة في السوق بل والاستجابة لها بسرعة.

  1.  القوانين واللوائح

 قد يواجه رواد الأعمال صعوبات في الامتثال لبعض قوانين التجارة الإلكترونية، سواء كانت تتعلق بحماية البيانات أو الضرائب. لذا، يجب عليهم الاطلاع بشكل دائم على التشريعات المحلية والدولية.


وختاماً، مع استمرار الدعم الحكومي وتبني التكنولوجيا الحديثة، ستظل التجارة الإلكترونية تلعب دورًا محوريًا في تحقيق أهداف التنمية الاقتصادية في المملكة. رغم التحديات العديدة التي تواجه رواد الأعمال في قطاع التجارة الإلكترونية، إلا أن الفرص المتاحة لا تزال كبيرة. من خلال الابتكار والتركيز على بناء علاقات قوية مع العملاء، يمكن لهؤلاء الرواد التغلب على العقبات وخلق بيئة تجارية ناجحة. علاوةً على الاستثمار في التكنولوجيا والتسويق الفعال، بالإضافة إلى الالتزام بمعايير الأمان، يمكن أن يساهم في تعزيز نجاحهم في هذا السوق التنافسي.



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Latest Experts Thoughts

Li: Adaverse's new ventures target social media and real estate

Noha Gad


As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Saudi Arabia is positioning itself at the forefront of Web3 and blockchain technologies, driven by a strategic vision to harness innovation for economic growth. The Kingdom's commitment to advancing these technologies is evident through various initiatives, including the establishment of dedicated hubs and partnerships aimed at fostering a vibrant ecosystem. 


As part of Vision 2030, the Kingdom has been actively investing in emerging technologies, recognizing blockchain's potential to enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in both public and private enterprises.


In this rapidly evolving ecosystem, Web3 has emerged as a transformative force that reshapes industries and creates new opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia.


Adaverse, a prominent player in the Web3 investment landscape, is actively contributing to this burgeoning market. As one of the leading venture funds and blockchain accelerators in the region, Adaverse invested in several startups, such as TakadaoUmrahCashTharawat Green Exchange (TGE), and Grintafy, as part of its mission to empower local entrepreneurs and facilitate the growth of decentralized technologies across the region.


In this regard, Sharikat Mubasher held an interview with Vincent Li, Founding Partner at Adaverse, to learn more about the company’s activities in Saudi Arabia and his insights on the future of Web3 and blockchain technologies in the Kingdom and the region.



What sets Adaverse apart from other venture funds and blockchain accelerators in the region?

What sets us apart is our unique approach to building the Web3 ecosystem through a venture-building partnership model. We have successfully invested in around 100 founders across multiple regions, including Asia, Africa, and now Saudi Arabia. Our philosophy is centered on supporting persistent founders with necessary web3 knowledge throughout the whole startup journey, and valuable experiences and resources from other markets in the globe.


Unlike traditional venture funds, we focus on projects that solve real-world problems and drive mass adoption of blockchain technology. Our flat organizational structure and partnership-based approach allow us to work closely with founders, empowering them rather than simply providing capital.



What motivated Adaverse to commit $10 million to Saudi Web3 startups?

Our decision to commit to Saudi Arabia was driven by extensive market research and field visits that highlighted Saudi Arabia's significant potential for Web3 development. This commitment aligns with Saudi Vision 2030 and the country's digital transformation goals. 


We have already invested in several promising Saudi ventures, including Grintafy, UmrahCash, TGE (Tharawat Green Exchange), TakaDAO, and others, with more investments in the pipeline. 


The unique government support we have received has reinforced our conviction that Saudi Arabia is positioned to become a global Web3 hub. This investment represents our long-term commitment to fostering innovation and supporting the local ecosystem.



In your opinion, what are the unique opportunities that blockchain and Web3 technologies offer in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia presents unique opportunities for blockchain and Web3 technologies, particularly in solving real-world challenges. Let me share some concrete examples from our portfolio with the disclaimer that the list is non-exhaustive: 


We have invested in TGE, which is revolutionizing carbon offsetting by connecting carbon offsetters with local nurseries and land projects via blockchain technology, directly supporting Saudi Arabia's ambitious goal of planting 10 billion trees by 2040. 


In the sports sector, we have backed Grintafy, which is transforming football talent discovery through blockchain technology, serving over 2 million users across its ecosystem.


We are also seeing great potential in projects like Mithu App, which addresses the underserved loyalty program market in Riyadh, where only 2.5% of restaurants currently offer such programs. 


Similarly, solutions like UmrahCash demonstrate how blockchain can revolutionize financial services for the 21 million migrant workers and religious visitors in Saudi Arabia.


What makes Saudi Arabia particularly exciting for Web3 development is the strong government support for technology innovation, combined with the Kingdom's strategic position and vision for digital transformation.


These opportunities align perfectly with our focus on practical applications that drive mass adoption. The diversity of use cases, from environmental sustainability to sports tech to financial services, shows how Web3 can create real value across multiple sectors in the Saudi economy.



What key challenges has Adaverse faced in adopting blockchain technologies in the Kingdom, and how has the company tackled them?

The key challenges we have faced primarily revolve around achieving mass adoption and educating the market about Web3's potential. While blockchain technology is still consolidating its foundations, we have tackled these challenges by focusing on projects that address tangible problems. Our approach has been to invest in startups that make blockchain technology accessible and practical for everyday users. We have also worked closely with regulatory bodies and government institutions to ensure our initiatives align with local requirements. 



What are the company’s strategic plans for further expansion in Saudi Arabia and the region?

Our strategic plans for expansion in Saudi Arabia and the region focus on three key areas. First, we are continuing to identify and invest in promising Web3 startups that solve real-world problems. Second, we are actively building partnerships with local institutions and government bodies to strengthen the ecosystem. 

Third, we are organizing events and initiatives to promote Web3 adoption locally and connect valuable investment and market resources internationally.


We are particularly excited about upcoming projects in the social network and real estate markets, which we believe have significant potential in the region. Our strategy remains aligned with our long-term perspective of supporting persistent founders and nurturing projects over time.



How do you see the long-term impact of Web3 technologies on Saudi Arabia's economic and social landscape?

Looking at the long-term impact of Web3 technologies on Saudi Arabia's landscape, I believe we are at the beginning of a transformative journey. Based on our experience across multiple markets, we see Web3 playing a crucial role in achieving Saudi Vision 2030's goals. The technology will enable new models of value exchange, enhance transparency in various sectors, and create new economic opportunities. We are already seeing this impact through our portfolio companies, which are addressing real challenges in areas like financial services, loyalty programs, and digital asset management. The key is to focus on practical applications that can drive mass adoption and create tangible value for the Saudi economy. 



How does Adaverse contribute to the development of a vibrant Web3 community in Saudi Arabia?

Adaverse contributes to the Web3 community development through multiple strategic initiatives. Most recently, we released our landmark report, "State of Web3 in Saudi Arabia," which serves as a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs, investors, and talent looking to participate in the Kingdom's Web3 ecosystem. The report highlights tremendous opportunities in sectors like gaming, fintech, e-commerce, and proptech, demonstrating our commitment to building knowledge in the ecosystem.


Beyond research, we actively organize events and knowledge-sharing sessions, bringing together founders, investors, and technology enthusiasts. We work closely with local institutions to create opportunities for collaboration and innovation. 


Our approach is not just about providing capital – we are helping to shape Saudi Arabia's transformation into a tech-driven powerhouse by building alliances and partnerships that strengthen the entire ecosystem. Through these efforts, we are positioning the Kingdom as a premier destination for Web3 innovation, attracting both local and international talent to contribute to this growing community.



What are Adaverse’s plans to nurture Saudi talent in the blockchain and Web3 space?

During our extensive research for the "State of Web3 in Saudi Arabia”, one of the key findings was that we need more Web3 talent in Saudi, and we are committed to helping achieve that! We are implementing a multi-faceted approach that encourages young entrepreneurs to be curious and experimental with frontier technologies. 

First, we are creating opportunities for hands-on experience through our portfolio companies, where Saudi talent can join startups and immerse themselves in the ecosystem. 

Second, we have a plan to develop partnerships with local educational institutions and tech hubs to provide training and mentorship programs. 

As I often tell aspiring youth in the Web3 landscape, do not be afraid to experiment, fail, and learn from your experiences. 

This practical approach, combined with our long-term commitment to the region, will help develop the next generation of Web3 innovators in Saudi Arabia. The key is to empower local talent by asking questions rather than giving assignments, maintaining our philosophy of partnership-based growth.



The Role of AI in Supporting ESG Goals for Financial Institutions

Kholoud Hussein 


As sustainability becomes a critical priority for businesses worldwide, integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles transforms the financial sector. For Saudi Arabia, where Vision 2030 emphasizes sustainable economic growth, financial institutions increasingly turn to artificial intelligence (AI) to align their strategies with ESG goals. By enabling better reporting, transparency, and green financing, AI is helping these institutions create a more sustainable and socially responsible financial ecosystem.


This final installment in our blog series explores how AI is supporting ESG objectives in Saudi Arabia’s financial market. From advanced tools for reporting to real-world applications, we’ll highlight the transformative potential of AI in fostering a greener and more equitable financial future.


1. Aligning ESG Goals with AI in Saudi Arabia

Saudi financial institutions are embracing AI to seamlessly integrate ESG considerations into their operations and investment decisions.


Meeting Sustainability Goals through AI

AI provides financial institutions with the tools to measure, analyze, and improve their sustainability performance.

  • Environmental Impact Analysis: AI helps organizations assess their carbon footprint by analyzing data across operations, supply chains, and investments.
  • Social Responsibility Metrics: Advanced algorithms evaluate labor practices, community engagement, and diversity policies, enabling institutions to monitor and improve their social impact.
  • Governance Insights: AI systems enhance governance practices by analyzing board structures, compliance adherence, and corporate ethics.

Alignment with Global ESG Frameworks

AI-driven platforms enable Saudi institutions to align with global ESG standards, such as the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). These tools ensure financial activities contribute to sustainable development while maintaining compliance with international benchmarks.


2. AI-Powered Tools for ESG Reporting and Green Financing

AI is revolutionizing ESG reporting and green financing, empowering financial institutions to deliver on their sustainability promises effectively.

Advanced ESG Reporting Tools

Traditional ESG reporting can be time-consuming and prone to inconsistencies. AI-powered solutions streamline this process by automating data collection, analysis, and presentation.

  • Data Integration: AI systems consolidate data from diverse sources, including corporate reports, satellite imagery, and IoT sensors, to provide a holistic view of ESG performance.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: AI tracks key ESG metrics in real-time, enabling institutions to identify risks and opportunities more quickly.
  • Predictive Analytics: By analyzing historical data, AI can predict ESG trends and guide strategic decision-making.

Green Financing Enablement

Green financing, including funding for renewable energy projects and sustainable infrastructure, is a key pillar of ESG efforts. AI facilitates this by:

  • Risk Assessment: AI evaluates the financial and environmental risks of green investments, ensuring projects align with both profitability and sustainability criteria.
  • Project Selection: AI algorithms prioritize green projects based on their ESG impact and feasibility.
  • Attracting Investors: Transparent AI-driven reports attract ESG-conscious investors by providing detailed insights into project sustainability.

3. Promoting Transparency in Investments Through AI-Driven Analytics

Transparency is a cornerstone of ESG-focused investing, and AI is playing a critical role in fostering it across Saudi Arabia’s financial sector.

Enhanced Due Diligence

AI-powered tools perform thorough due diligence by analyzing vast datasets, including financial reports, environmental impact statements, and media coverage.

  • These tools identify greenwashing (misleading claims about sustainability) by detecting discrepancies between stated goals and actual performance.
  • Machine learning models flag companies with poor ESG compliance, helping investors avoid reputational and financial risks.

Investor Confidence Through Transparency

By providing detailed and verifiable insights into ESG performance, AI builds investor confidence.

  • Portfolio Optimization: AI-driven platforms recommend ESG-compliant investments, allowing asset managers to build portfolios that align with sustainability goals.
  • Impact Measurement: AI tracks the social and environmental impact of investments, ensuring alignment with both financial and ethical objectives.

4. Examples of ESG-Focused AI Applications in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s financial market is already witnessing the transformative impact of AI in advancing ESG initiatives.

Renewable Energy Financing

AI is aiding financial institutions in evaluating and funding renewable energy projects such as solar and wind farms.

  • Advanced algorithms assess project feasibility, environmental impact, and long-term profitability, ensuring sustainable investments.
  • For example, a Saudi renewable energy fund used AI to optimize its portfolio, achieving higher returns while reducing carbon emissions.

AI-Powered ESG Indexing

Some Saudi investment platforms have introduced AI-powered ESG indices that rank companies based on their sustainability performance.

  • These indices help investors identify top-performing ESG-compliant firms, driving capital toward responsible businesses.

Smart Supply Chain Management

Financial institutions are leveraging AI to support companies in adopting sustainable supply chain practices.

  • AI tools monitor supplier compliance with ESG standards, promoting ethical sourcing and reducing environmental impact.

5. AI and ESG: A Perfect Partnership for Vision 2030

Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 underscores the importance of sustainability and innovation in driving long-term economic growth. AI’s role in advancing ESG goals is perfectly aligned with these ambitions.

  • By leveraging AI, Saudi financial institutions are not only meeting global sustainability standards but also positioning themselves as leaders in ethical finance.
  • The integration of AI and ESG frameworks supports Vision 2030’s objectives of reducing carbon emissions, fostering social responsibility, and enhancing economic governance.

Looking Ahead: A Sustainable Financial Future

As Saudi Arabia’s financial institutions continue to embrace AI for ESG integration, the future of sustainable finance looks brighter than ever. However, the journey is ongoing, and challenges such as data availability, regulatory alignment, and cultural shifts must be addressed.


The completion of this blog series marks the beginning of broader conversations about how AI can redefine financial services in Saudi Arabia and beyond. By prioritizing ESG goals and leveraging cutting-edge technology, Saudi Arabia is setting a global benchmark for innovation in sustainable finance.


To conclude, AI is revolutionizing ESG adoption in Saudi Arabia’s financial market by enabling robust reporting, promoting transparency, and driving green financing initiatives. Through real-world applications and alignment with global frameworks, financial institutions are achieving both ethical and economic objectives.


As we conclude this series, one thing is clear: AI is not just a tool for transformation—it is the foundation for building a sustainable, transparent, and inclusive financial ecosystem. Saudi Arabia’s commitment to innovation and sustainability ensures that its financial sector will continue to thrive while contributing to a better future for all.


AI in Fintech: Driving Financial Inclusion and Innovation

Kholoud Hussein 


The fintech revolution is reshaping financial services globally, and Saudi Arabia is at the forefront of this transformation in the MENA region. Central to this evolution is the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), which has become a driving force behind financial inclusion and innovation in the Kingdom. By enhancing payment systems, personal finance management, and lending solutions, AI is enabling fintech startups to address gaps in traditional banking and empower underserved populations.


This blog explores how Saudi fintech startups are leveraging AI to revolutionize financial services, the role of government initiatives in fostering innovation, and the synergies between fintech firms and traditional banks. It also sets the stage for our next discussion on AI’s role in supporting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals for financial institutions.


1. How Saudi Fintech Startups Leverage AI

AI is the engine powering many of Saudi Arabia’s fintech innovations, allowing startups to create tailored solutions that address market demands.


AI in Payments

Saudi fintech startups are revolutionizing payment systems by integrating AI into their platforms. AI-driven payment gateways provide real-time fraud detection, seamless cross-border transactions, and personalized customer experiences. For instance:

  • AI-powered tools analyze transaction patterns to prevent fraud while ensuring smooth payment processing.
  • Digital wallets like stc pay utilize AI to enhance user convenience and optimize transaction efficiency.

AI in Lending

Traditional lending processes often exclude underserved populations due to stringent credit requirements. AI is changing this dynamic by leveraging alternative data for credit scoring.

  • AI algorithms use data such as utility payments, mobile usage, and behavioral patterns to assess creditworthiness.
  • Platforms like Raqamyah provide micro-loans to small businesses and individuals, offering faster approval processes and flexible terms.

AI in Personal Finance Management

AI-driven tools are empowering Saudi citizens to take control of their finances. These include budgeting apps, expense trackers, and investment advisors.

  • Chatbots and robo-advisors provide personalized financial guidance based on user spending patterns.
  • Predictive analytics help users anticipate financial needs and create savings plans.


2. Improving Access to Financial Services for Underserved Populations

One of the most transformative aspects of AI in fintech is the ability to improve financial inclusion. In Saudi Arabia, AI is breaking down barriers that have traditionally excluded low-income individuals, women, and small businesses from accessing financial services.

Empowering the Unbanked and Underbanked

  • Digital wallets and mobile banking platforms powered by AI enable unbanked individuals to participate in the financial system without needing a traditional bank account.
  • AI tools facilitate micro-financing options for rural entrepreneurs, allowing them to grow their businesses with minimal bureaucracy.

Promoting Gender Inclusion

  • Fintech platforms tailored for women entrepreneurs are leveraging AI to assess loan applications based on alternative data, sidestepping biases often found in traditional credit evaluations.
  • AI-powered mentoring and networking apps connect women-led startups with funding opportunities and investors.

3. Collaboration Between Fintech Firms and Traditional Banks

The collaboration between fintech startups and traditional banks in Saudi Arabia has created a synergistic ecosystem where AI plays a pivotal role.

Enhancing Digital Banking Solutions

Traditional banks, recognizing the potential of fintech innovations, are partnering with startups to co-develop AI-driven solutions.

  • Open Banking Initiatives: AI-powered open banking platforms enable secure data sharing between banks and fintech firms, fostering innovation in personalized services.
  • Digital-First Banks: Partnerships have given rise to fully digital banks, such as Liv. by Emirates NBD, which leverage AI for enhanced customer experiences.

Optimizing Operations

Banks use AI-driven fintech solutions to streamline internal processes:

  • Chatbots handle customer queries, reducing operational costs.
  • Machine learning models optimize credit underwriting and risk assessment.

4. Government Initiatives and Support for AI-Driven Fintech Growth

Saudi Arabia’s fintech ecosystem is thriving, thanks to robust government support and strategic initiatives aimed at fostering innovation.


Fintech Saudi Initiative

Launched by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA), Fintech Saudi catalyzes the sector’s growth. It provides:

  • Regulatory sandboxes for testing AI-powered fintech solutions in a controlled environment.
  • Educational programs to nurture local talent and build a skilled workforce.

Vision 2030 and Funding Opportunities

  • Vision 2030 emphasizes the diversification of the economy, with fintech as a core pillar. Government-backed funds like Saudi Venture Capital Company (SVC) and Monsha’at are providing financial support to startups integrating AI into their business models.
  • Programs such as the Digital Government Authority’s AI Accelerator encourage innovation in financial services.

Global Investments and Partnerships

Saudi Arabia’s proactive approach to fintech has attracted global investors and partners, further fueling AI adoption.


The Road Ahead: AI in Fintech

AI’s transformative potential in fintech is only beginning to unfold in Saudi Arabia. As startups continue to innovate, they will play a pivotal role in shaping a more inclusive and efficient financial ecosystem. The synergy between cutting-edge technology, government support, and market demand positions Saudi Arabia as a regional leader in fintech innovation.


However, as AI becomes more integrated into financial services, its role in sustainability and social responsibility cannot be overlooked. Fintech firms and financial institutions must align their innovations with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals to ensure long-term impact.


Looking Ahead: AI and ESG Goals for Financial Institutions

In our next blog, we will explore how AI is enabling financial institutions in Saudi Arabia to meet their ESG commitments. From assessing the sustainability of investments to promoting socially responsible practices, AI is helping create a greener, more ethical financial ecosystem.


Finally, AI is revolutionizing fintech in Saudi Arabia, driving financial inclusion, innovation, and collaboration between startups and traditional banks. By leveraging AI for payments, lending, and personal finance management, fintech firms are addressing the unique needs of underserved populations. Coupled with government initiatives and funding, the Kingdom’s fintech sector is poised for exponential growth.


As we move forward in our series, the intersection of AI and ESG goals will reveal how technology can align financial services with sustainability and ethical practices. This pivotal conversation will highlight AI’s role in creating a more responsible and forward-thinking financial sector.


The Cofounder Effect: Why Startups with Partners Thrive

Ghada Ismail


Starting a company is one of the most challenging and rewarding endeavors anyone can undertake. Yet, the journey is fraught with obstacles that can overwhelm even the most passionate solo entrepreneur. This is where the magic of having a cofounder comes in. According to a study by First Round Capital, startups with more than one founder are 163% more likely to achieve rapid growth compared to their single-founder counterparts. But what makes cofounders such a powerful asset? Let’s explore the transformative impact of cofounder dynamics on a startup’s success.


Diverse Skill Sets, One Vision

At the heart of any great startup is a vision. Cofounders bring complementary skills and perspectives that enrich this vision and make it more attainable. While one founder might excel in product development, the other might be a master of marketing or operations. This division of labor allows startups to operate more efficiently and tackle challenges from multiple angles. 


Shared Responsibility, Shared Resilience

Running a startup is an emotional rollercoaster. Cofounders share the highs and lows, providing mutual support that helps them weather storms that might otherwise deter a solo founder. This shared resilience is often what keeps startups afloat during tough times. When one founder feels discouraged, the other can step in with fresh energy and perspective, ensuring the team stays motivated.


Enhanced Decision-Making

Two heads are better than one! and this is especially true in the high-stakes world of startups. Cofounders can challenge each other’s ideas, leading to more thoroughly considered decisions. This dynamic fosters innovation, as differing viewpoints spark creative solutions that might not have emerged in a solo-led environment. 


Accelerated Growth

The 163% growth statistic isn’t just a number; it’s a testament to the practical advantages cofounders bring. With multiple founders, a startup can scale faster by dividing key tasks and focusing on different growth areas simultaneously. This ability to multitask at a high level often results in startups gaining traction quicker and securing investments more easily.



Wrapping things up

The journey of building a startup is undeniably challenging, but having a cofounder can make all the difference. By combining diverse skills, sharing responsibilities, enhancing decision-making, and accelerating growth, cofounders act as the ultimate growth enablers for startups. For entrepreneurs considering going solo, the evidence is clear: two (or more) truly are better than one.


Up Next: In Part Two, we’ll dive deeper into how cofounders drive creativity, build a thriving organizational culture, and leave a lasting legacy. Stay tuned for more insights into the transformative power of cofounders!


Henkel’s GBS+ Revolution: Driving Innovation and Sustainability in the MENA Region

Kholoud Hussein 


In the rapidly evolving landscape of global business operations, Henkel’s Global Business Solutions+ (GBS+) network stands as a testament to innovation, efficiency, and strategic vision. This exclusive interview with Roland Haefs, Corporate Vice President of GBS+, and Shereen Alaa, Head of GBS+ Cairo, provides invaluable insights into the pivotal role played by GBS+ in Henkel’s global strategy, with a special focus on its expanding footprint in the MENA region.


The conversation explores the strategic foundations of Henkel’s Cairo GBS+ Center, its contributions to Henkel’s operational excellence, and its alignment with regional and global priorities such as digital transformation, sustainability, and talent development. With Egypt positioned as a regional hub for advanced services and solutions, the interview also delves into the potential for growth across the MENA region, including opportunities in Saudi Arabia under Vision 2030.


Sharikat Mubasher presents this exclusive interview, shedding light on how Henkel’s GBS+ continues to redefine business processes, foster innovation, and drive sustainable impact in one of the world’s most dynamic markets.


The following questions are answered by Roland Haefs, Corporate Vice President, Global Business Solutions+ (GBS+): 


Could you provide an overview of the current scale and influence of the GBS+ network globally? What are the key goals for expanding its role within Henkel’s global strategy, particularly as it pertains to the MENA region?


Henkel’s GBS+ organization, with a workforce of over 3,600 highly qualified employees, has become a critical component of Henkel’s value chain. Over the past 20 years, it has evolved from a transactional partner to a strategic player, operating across all time zones and languages. Today, GBS+ centers are located in Manila (Philippines), Bratislava (Slovakia), Mexico City (Mexico), Shanghai (China), and Cairo (Egypt).


The organization consists of specialized teams in areas such as finance, HR, IT, planning, sourcing, production, logistics, marketing, and sales. This broad expertise enables Henkel to deliver innovative solutions that meet the diverse needs of our global operations.


With a strong focus on digital transformation and process optimization, GBS+ will continue to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and expand its role in higher value-adding activities. As we look to the future, expanding GBS+’s capabilities in the MENA region will be a key aspect of Henkel’s global strategy, further strengthening our ability to support the company's growth and operational excellence across markets.


What were the strategic factors behind choosing Egypt as a base for Henkel’s GBS+ Center? Additionally, do you foresee opportunities to expand similar operations in Saudi Arabia, and what role could it play within Henkel’s MENA vision?


Henkel chose Egypt as the base for its GBS+ Center for several strategic reasons. First, Egypt’s central geographic location enables it to cover multiple time zones, facilitating real-time collaboration with countries across the EMEA region and beyond. Additionally, Egypt offers a highly skilled, multilingual talent pool, which was instrumental in the establishment of our GBS+ Center. This decision also aligns with Henkel’s long-term goal to strengthen its presence in Egypt and transform the country into a hub for both product and service exports.


The GBS+ Center in Cairo is a critical part of Henkel’s broader strategy to expand its footprint in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region. It positions Egypt as a global export hub for Henkel, particularly in terms of digital and technological solutions. The center plays a key role in enhancing Henkel’s service offerings by strengthening our digital capabilities and enabling us to deliver high-impact, value-added solutions across the MEA region and beyond.


By leveraging local talent and advanced technologies, Henkel is driving operational efficiency and innovation in the region. The GBS+ Cairo center is already playing a pivotal role as an exporting hub for digital and technology-driven solutions, supporting Henkel’s global operations.


As for Saudi Arabia, the country’s Vision 2030 focuses on diversification and development across multiple sectors, including technology and innovation. Henkel’s established investments in Saudi Arabia, including manufacturing facilities and an expanding market presence, align closely with the Kingdom's strategic objectives. While there are no immediate plans for expanding GBS+ operations in Saudi Arabia, the country’s growing role in Henkel’s strategy presents potential opportunities for future collaboration in line with Vision 2030’s goals.


How do you envision the Cairo GBS+ Center contributing to Henkel’s standing across the MENA region? What are some specific regional milestones or achievements you anticipate for this center in the near future?


The GBS+ Center in Cairo plays a pivotal role in strengthening Henkel’s presence across the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region. As a comprehensive organization, it offers a wide range of services that support Henkel's global operations and enable the company to meet the diverse needs of countries worldwide. This is made possible by the center’s strong multilingual talent pool, which allows GBS+ Cairo to operate in eight languages, including Arabic, English, French, German, Turkish, and Spanish. As a result, it provides services and solutions to over 75 countries globally.


Looking ahead, GBS+ Cairo holds significant potential to further contribute to Henkel’s strategic goals. It will remain a key part of Henkel's broader strategy to enhance its regional footprint, positioning Egypt as a hub for both product and technological exports. Henkel's vision includes not only expanding product exports but also strengthening its digital and technological presence by exporting innovative solutions and services.


Furthermore, the Cairo center is expected to play a central role in Henkel’s sustainability and digitalization initiatives, which are integral to the company's regional and global objectives. This will enable GBS+ Cairo to drive value for Henkel while supporting the company’s commitment to sustainable growth and digital transformation in the MEA region.


In what ways will the Cairo GBS+ Center support and enhance Henkel’s operations in the MENA region? 


The GBS+ center in Cairo plays a critical role in enhancing Henkel’s operations by streamlining and standardizing processes through the use of automation and digital solutions. With over a decade of experience, GBS+ Cairo is focused on adopting value-added activities that drive greater efficiency and effectiveness across the organization.


The center provides a comprehensive suite of services, including human resources, financial accounting and analysis, sales order processing, customer service, and marketing support. This broad portfolio enables Henkel to optimize operations and improve responsiveness to market demands, leading to better overall business performance.


In recent years, the center has expanded its capabilities to include IT and data analytics, reinforcing Henkel’s competitiveness in an increasingly fast-paced market. Moreover, the expansion of language support from three to eight languages has allowed GBS+ Cairo to serve over 75 countries, further strengthening its global reach and operational impact.


By leveraging local expertise and driving innovative practices, the GBS+ Cairo center supports Henkel’s global strategy, positioning Egypt as a key hub for advanced services and solutions, not just in the MENA region, but on a global scale.


How does the Cairo GBS+ Center fit into your broader vision for Henkel’s GBS+ network, and what unique contributions do you see it making to Henkel’s regional success across MENA, including Saudi Arabia?


The Cairo GBS+ Center is a key element of Henkel’s broader vision for its Global Business Services (GBS+) network. Strategically located in Egypt, the center takes full advantage of the country’s robust infrastructure, skilled workforce, and deep regional market knowledge to optimize essential processes, including finance, IT, and sales. 


This aligns with Henkel’s goal of streamlining operations, enhancing digital capabilities, and fostering innovation across the global network. With its focus on process efficiency and service excellence, GBS+ Cairo plays a critical role in supporting Henkel’s growth strategy, both within the MENA region and internationally, including in key markets such as Saudi Arabia.


The following questions are answered by Shereen Alaa, Head of Global Business Solutions+ (GBS+), Cairo:  


Can you give us an overview of the Cairo GBS+ office's current scale and scope, including the number of employees, primary services, and areas of specialization?


GBS+ Cairo began in 2014 and has grown significantly since then, now employing 260 talented people. The center provides a wide range of services and solutions in human resources, accounting, and financial analysis, sales order processing and payments, customer service, sales reporting, marketing support, and IT and digital solutions. 


This diverse portfolio allows Henkel to streamline operations and contribute to better overall business performance. Additionally, the number of supported languages has increased from three to eight, allowing GBS+ Cairo to offer its services from Egypt to more than 75 countries across the globe. 


How does the Cairo GBS+ Center support the development of local talent, particularly young professionals in Egypt? What skill sets are being prioritized to make the workforce competitive on a global scale?


At GBS+ Cairo, we are committed to the continuous development and upskilling of young Egyptian talent by providing unique opportunities for hands-on and practical experience. 

We offer on-the-job training programs that strengthen our employees’ expertise and job rotation opportunities to broaden their knowledge beyond their area of expertise. 


Additionally, we focus on our young talents in universities and organize multiple programs that prepare them for the job market. These include internships that give them hands-on work experience and job shadowing and case studies sessions to familiarize them with the practical application of their studies. We are proud that 54% of our interns were hired with us.


We aim to enhance skills across all areas, but prioritize expert competencies, digital mindset, and business acumen. This is in addition to soft skills training programs that equip our team members with the skills needed in today’s and tomorrow’s work environment, such as communication, presentation, project management, strategic thinking, and many more.


All these initiatives aim to prepare the workforce for global competitiveness, ensuring that local talent contributes effectively to Henkel’s international operations while also fostering Egypt's talent pool for future growth in the region.


Could you elaborate on the Cairo GBS+ Center’s approach to sustainability and social responsibility, and how it aligns with Henkel’s global standards? What positive impacts have been observed on the local environment and community, and what are your future goals in this area across MENA?


The GBS+ Cairo approach to sustainability and social responsibility aligns closely with Henkel’s global strategy, particularly its commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives, which place a high priority on environmental and community well-being. 

At Henkel, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is central to our purpose, focusing on sustainability, social engagement, and ethical business practices.


Our CSR initiatives aim to make a lasting positive impact on the environment and society through education and active community involvement.


At GBS+ Cairo, we are proud of our strong culture of volunteering, with each team member contributing an average of 7.5 hours annually, leading to an impressive total of 10,000 volunteering hours dedicated to community projects over the past decade, such as Children Cancer Hospital, Green school program to name a few. This collective effort highlights our commitment and reflects our core values of equity, inclusivity, and social impact, which align perfectly with Henkel’s global standards. 

Both Henkel’s broader goals—such as reducing its environmental footprint, fostering a circular economy, and improving resource efficiency—and GBS+ Cairo's community outreach initiatives are aimed at creating long-term positive impacts on both the environment and society. Moving forward, Henkel’s goals in MENA, including Egypt, will continue to focus on strengthening these sustainability efforts, ensuring they contribute to Henkel’s global vision of a sustainable and equitable future for all.


By prioritizing sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical values, we bring our purpose to life: "Pioneers at Heart for the Good of Generations".


How does the Cairo GBS+ Center promote gender equality and female leadership? What initiatives are in place to increase women’s participation in the workforce, and are there similar plans for other parts of the MENA region?


At Henkel, we strongly believe that our diversity is our strength! We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment that nurtures the growth of all employees. 

Since women make up nearly 70% of the workforce, we see this representation as a proud accomplishment that embodies our basic beliefs and ideals rather than merely a figure. For us at GBS+ Cairo, increasing women's involvement in the workforce is essential to attaining inclusivity and balance, which in turn encourages creativity and innovation.


We are committed to fostering an atmosphere that nurtures everyone’s growth and enables women to assume leadership positions and play a part in the company’s success. This is evident with our over 65% female representation in leadership. We see that empowering women to assume leadership positions contributes is integral to shaping and cultivating a culture of collaboration and excellence.


What is the center’s future outlook for growth within the MENA market? What potential do you see for further expansion and impact throughout the region, and what makes MENA a priority for Henkel?


The Cairo-based GBS+ Center is a key component of Henkel's broader strategy to enhance its presence in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region and position Egypt as a global export hub. 

Henkel has strengthened its presence in the Middle East and Africa region with GBS+ Cairo positioned as a comprehensive organization, that provides a wide range of high-impact value-adding services and solutions as well as digital and technological solutions that support Henkel's global operations and enables the company to cater to all countries across the globe. 


Looking ahead, GBS+ Cairo holds significant potential to further contribute to Henkel’s strategic goals. It will remain a key part of Henkel's broader strategy to strengthen its regional footprint in the dynamic and growing market in the Middle East and Africa region. 


Furthermore, the Cairo center is expected to play a central role in Henkel’s sustainability and digitalization initiatives, which are integral to the company's regional and global objectives. This will enable GBS+ Cairo to drive value for Henkel while supporting the company’s commitment to sustainable growth and digital transformation in the MEA region, adding to the region's strategic importance.