Tourism Fund unveils new center to foster SMEs

Jan 2, 2024

Riyadh - Sharikat Mubasher: The Saudi Tourism Development Fund (TDF) launched a new center to foster entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the tourism sector.

The Tourism Growth Center, TDF Growth, was designed to build growth mindsets, develop entrepreneurial skills, provide appropriate tools and environments for entrepreneurs, and help them establish tourism facilities, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

It targets increasing the contribution of SMEs to local production, supporting entrepreneurial tourism startups to thrive in local and global markets, and providing investment opportunities for entrepreneurs and innovators in the sector.

The launch of the new center reflects the TDF’s dedication to bolstering investment in the tourism industry, enhancing the readiness of entrepreneurs and SMEs, and enhancing the Kingdom’s tourism sector in alignment with the National Tourism Strategy and Vision 2030.

TDF Growth will launch five programs to meet the needs of entrepreneurs and SMEs in various fields in the tourism sector, notably tourism and travel services, tourism destinations and attractions, accommodation, F&B within tourist destinations, tourism experiences and activities, and tourism retail.

Moreover, it will provide training workshops and consultation sessions by experts and specialists in various fields, in addition to the Tourism Growth Accelerator program, which aims to support SME growth in the tourism sector and will train 10 enterprises per month.


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