50 countries join Space Debris Conference in Riyadh

Feb 11, 2024

Riyadh - Sharikat Mubasher: The Space Debris Conference 2024 (SDC2024) kicks off today in Riyadh with the participation of more than 50 countries, over 400 experts, and 70 speakers.

SDC2024 is co-hosted by the Saudi Space Agency (SSA) and the Saudi Communications and Space Technology Commission (CST), in partnership with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

With the theme ‘Towards Securing the Future of the Global Space Economy,’ the event gathers several global leaders in the industry to foster dialogue on space debris, highlighting Saudi Arabia's commitment to space protection, collaboration, and knowledge exchange.

The SDC2024 targets increasing awareness of the current scale and growing complexity of the space debris challenges that face humanity and exploring essential legislative and policy elements that must be considered in addressing the space debris challenge.

The two-day conference aims to promote the creation and development of a multi-prong research focus covering the scale of the problem, appropriate mitigation measures, and associated global governance mechanisms.

It features discussion sessions covering various topics, including initiatives for space debris removal, enhancing orbital safety, and shaping the future of space governance.

The SDC2024 hosts an exhibition showcasing local and international companies' space technologies, aiming to raise awareness and foster collaboration in tackling the challenges posed by space debris.


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