Saudi-made Qsalary app introduces innovative fintech solutions in Kingdom

Sep 5, 2024

Riyadh – Sharikat Mubasher: Qsalary is an employee financial-centric platform, whereby employees have complete flexibility to manage their income, and expenses, and facilitate a two-way stream of communication with company admin through a dedicated portal.

As part of Qsalary’s participation in the 24 Fintech Exhibition, Adnan Alghelani, vice president of Qsalary, introduced this app, showcasing its multiple privileges that serve both employers as well as employees with an extensive pack of features.

 Alghelani said that his company’s DNA is fully Saudi 100% and it started its operation in the Kingdom three years ago.

Qsalary relies on fintech to offer partners a flexible and simple system tailored to their needs.  The app provides financial solutions that are fully compliant with the principles of Shariah, wage protection laws, and legal frameworks.

The app allows an employee to get up to 50% of his earned wages at any time with no need to wait for the usual salary date or financial department approval to access liquidity. After requesting a particular amount on the app, the amount will be transferred directly to the user’s bank account, helping him to handle financial emergencies and personal needs easily and quickly.

The application also caters to employers’ needs as it provides a flexible and user-friendly interface, allowing them to customize, manage, and track the process of granting earned wages to their employees with utmost flexibility. With no subscriptions applied, an employer can address his employees' financial needs without affecting his company's liquidity.


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