NIDLP opens registrations for 3rd 1K Mile Entrepreneurship Program

Sep 16, 2024

Riyadh - Sharikat Mubasher: Saudi Arabia’s National Industrial Development and Logistics Program (NIDLP) opened registrations for the third edition of the 1K Mile Entrepreneurship Program to foster entrepreneurs in the industry and logistics sectors.

Aiming to create a fertile ground for innovation and growth, the program empowers entrepreneurs to prepare detailed feasibility studies and select the best industrial, logistics, or mining projects according to their applicability and sustainability, in conjunction with Vision 2030’s objectives.

The 1K Mile Entrepreneurship Program provides unique initiatives to help entrepreneurs turn their ideas into reality and launch their projects, benefiting from several enablers, experts, and investors.

The third edition will feature collaborations with global business incubators and accelerators to promote training, mentorship, and networking.

In August, the Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Bandar Alkhorayef announced the launch of the third edition in a ceremony that celebrated the graduates of the program’s second edition.

The 1K Mile Entrepreneurship Program provides financial, knowledge, and technical support that ambitious entrepreneurs need to get off the ground and thrive.


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