Immensa pacts with Pelagus 3D to expand in MENA

May 23, 2024

Riyadh - Sharikat Mubasher: Immensa, a leading additive manufacturing and digital warehousing company, forged a strategic partnership with Pelagus 3D to enhance service offerings in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the company announced in a press release.

Through this partnership, both entities will work together to expand their presence in the region by integrating their expertise in additive manufacturing and digital inventory solutions.

Leveraging its core markets in Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Kuwait, Immensa will be the exclusive distributor within the maritime and offshore sectors for Pelagus 3D's products in the region. Additionally, it will be the exclusive service provider for projects initiated through Pelagus 3D's platform in the territory

This collaboration aims to streamline supply chain processes, expand original equipment manufacturer (OEM) networks, and provide significant improvements in service provision.

Fahmi Al Shawwa, CEO of Immensa, said: “Today’s news brings two world-class partners together and we look forward to working closely with Pelagus 3D, which is developing the largest database of spare parts for additive manufacturing in the maritime and offshore industry - to transform inventory management across sectors.”

Meanwhile, Haakon Ellekjaer, Chief Commercial Officer of Pelagus 3D, described the partnership as a significant milestone in the company’s mission to drive the adoption of on-demand spare parts in the MENA region.

“Through this partnership, we are offering enhanced additive manufacturing services and technologies for our OEMs and end users, fostering technological advancement in the industry,” Ellekjaer concluded.

Pelagus 3D develops the largest database of spare parts available for additive manufacturing in the maritime and offshore industry, serving over 4,000 assets globally from 25 end-user partners and 21 OEM partners.


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