Riyadh set to host inaugural 24 Fintech Event

Jul 10, 2024

Riyadh – Sharikat Mubasher: Riyadh is gearing up to inaugurate this year’s  24 Fintech which will run at the capital’s Riyadh Front Exhibition & Conference Centre from 3-5 September 2024.

The event will showcase a collective commitment towards unlocking business and networking opportunities, embracing change, and leading innovation, according to its official website.

The three-day event will combine an exhibition and summit – featuring 175 hours of expert-led content – with a host of satellite events. It will include industry gatherings and brand activations, running throughout the week, from 1-6 September.

The new annual event is hosted by the Financial Sector Development Programme (FSDP), Saudi Central Bank (SAMA), Capital Market Authority (CMA), Insurance Authority (IA), and co-organized by Fintech Saudi and Tahaluf. It aims to create an event that will elevate Riyadh’s global financial technology ambitions and demonstrate the Kingdom’s commitment to shaping the future of finance.

Tahaluf, the strategic collaborative venture between Informa PLC, the Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming and Drones (SAFCSP), and the Events Investment Fund (EIF), has ambitions of rivaling some of the world’s biggest financial technology conferences with 24 Fintech. Supporting 24 Fintech’s growth, The Fintech Times is proud to be a media partner.

Bolstered by an international summit that will unite regulators, financial services professionals, policymakers, investors, technologists, and academics, 24 Fintech will provide a platform for global industry stakeholders to shape, foster, and spur a collaborative fintech transformation.

Initial Tahaluf estimations project the inaugural 24 Fintech will attract upwards of 25,000 attendees, 300 exhibitors, 200 investors, and 80 Fintech startups. The show will host more than 200 expert speakers to address pressing finance industry issues as the show looks to navigate the immense technological changes impacting operations, from infrastructure provision to client servicing.

Targeted attendees include central bank governors, regulators, policymakers, financial and non-financial institutions, big tech providers, investors and venture capitalists, academics, researchers, as well as professional and industry associations.


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