SBJBC attracts financial firms to tap into Saudi market

Jul 18, 2024

Riyadh - Sharikat Mubasher: The Saudi British Joint Business Council (SBJBC) held a roundtable in partnership with the global financial center Jersey Finance to support finance companies looking to expand into Saudi Arabia, a recent statement revealed.

The event, which convened in London, gathered Saudi experts and government representatives to discuss the practical requirements and support available for finance companies.

The roundtable, which was led by Jersey Finance's Director for Middle East, Africa, and India Faizal Bhana, featured speakers from the Saudi Embassy in London and the Ministry of Investment as well as leading law and advisory companies.

Bhana affirmed that the roundtable plays a crucial role in providing financial services companies with the knowledge and connections they need to successfully navigate the process of setting up in the dynamic Saudi market.

"Saudi Arabia's ambitious economic transformation presents significant opportunities, and we are committed to helping firms leverage Jersey's expertise to establish a presence in the Kingdom,” Bhana added.

Meanwhile, Chris Innes-Hopkins, UK Executive Director of SBJBC, stated that the roundtable aimed to foster discussion and debate, equipping attendees with valuable, on-the-ground insights into setting up a financial services firm in Saudi Arabia.

Jersey Finance offers a forward-thinking and ESG-driven approach across banking, corporate services, fintech, funds, investment management, and private wealth.


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