Abdulmoty: Hala’s monthly transaction volume exceeds SAR 1 bn

Sep 4, 2024

Riyadh - Exclusive Sharikat Mubasher: Hala, the leading fintech player in Saudi Arabia and the region, serves more than 100,000 merchants, driving a monthly transaction volume exceeding SAR 1 billion, Chief Operating Officer Wael Abdulmoty told Sharikat Mubasher.

In an interview held on the sidelines of 24 Fintech, Abdulmoty stated that Hala has around 120,000 point-of-sale (PoS) terminals in the market.

He noted that the company started providing debt-based crowdfunding solutions after obtaining the license from the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA) three months ago.

Abdulmoty further affirmed the leading role of the 24 Fintech conference in enabling Fintech companies to discover the latest trends in the market and explore cutting-edge financial and banking solutions and services.

He clarified that 2020 was a turning point in Hala’s journey to empower and support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to manage their inbound and outbound payments simply and safely.

24 Fintech takes place in Riyadh from 3 to 5 September, with the participation of more than 300 exhibitors and over 350 investors. It gathers regulatory bodies, policymakers, investors, technology experts, and industry leaders from around the world.

It serves as a platform for global thought leaders across finance, policy, technology, investment, and academia to discuss several topics, including, fintech regulation and governance, artificial intelligence and machine learning in financial operations, financial inclusion, cybersecurity and big data, embedded finance, and more.


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